School children in a classroomSchool children in a classroom

Prejudicial Language and Behaviour Toolkit

Working with representatives of Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight Councils, the Ethnic Minority Achievement Service (EMAS) has produced a small ‘Prejudicial Language and Behaviour Toolkit‘ for schools. This pan-Hampshire resource can be used when monitoring and reporting prejudicial comments and/or incidents, as well as to support school self-evaluation in this area.

It is comprised of:

  • reporting tool (for your own school use) to record bullying and prejudiced-based incidents concerning all of the protected characteristics, with appendices of useful definitions and links to supportive organisations.
  • three pupil surveys for key stage 1key stage 2 and key stages 3-4 for schools to use when thinking about pupil voice in the equalities agenda.
  • short guide for parents/carers about the importance of this area of work for your school.