There is a strong higher education (HE) offer in the travel to learn area
Many young people from Portsmouth choose to study in local universities or colleges offering higher education provision. The higher and degree apprenticeship offer is developing, and this is offering further opportunities for young people to progress to higher education through employment.
The University of Portsmouth works closely with both primary and secondary schools, and with further education (FE) colleges across the city to raise aspiration to higher education, break down perceived barriers to university and help students understand the range of courses and pathways available to them. Parental engagement is also a priority.
The University of Portsmouth along with other higher education institutions in the travel-to-learn area offer a wide range of higher education options.
On a local level, higher education institutions have responded to the challenge of apprenticeships and developed degree and postgraduate options.
The University of Portsmouth works with local and schools and colleges to engage young people in higher education and is part of the Southern Universities Network (SUN).
Southern Universities Network
The Southern Universities Network (SUN) is a collaborative partnership comprising HE providers in Hampshire, Dorset and the Isle of Wight. The SUN provides outreach activities for schools and colleges as part of Uni Connect – a project funded by the Office for Students (OfS).
The SUN has been tasked with increasing HE participation in over 70 wards, working with 104 schools and all FE colleges in the region. As directed in OfS guidance, work will be focused on young people in years 9–13 and their ‘key influencers’.