About the Portsmouth Education Partnership

Pulling together, achieving more

The Portsmouth Education Partnership (PEP) was launched in November 2016 in response to a changing and complex educational landscape and the need to significantly improve educational outcomes for children and young people in the city.

The PEP seeks to build on a strong platform of collaborative working in the city. The aim is to maximise the collective resource that is available both within and outside of Portsmouth.

For more detail, see the Portsmouth Education Strategy 2023-26.

Our partners

The PEP is fully supported by the local authority and the Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC) as well as a range of other key partners:

  • Local authority maintained schools
  • Academies and multi-academy trusts (MATs)
  • Early years settings
  • Voice of children and young people and parents and carers
  • Regional Schools Commissioner
  • Portsmouth City Council
  • Catholic and Anglican Dioceses
  • Post-16 and higher education

There are currently 14 multi-academy trusts and one stand alone trust, UTC Portsmouth, operating in Portsmouth schools:

ARK Schools The De Curci Trust
Bohunt Education Trust The Kemnal Academies Trust
Delta Education Trust The Salterns Academy Trust
Edith Stein Catholic Academy Trust Thinking Schools Academy Trust
Hamwic Education Trust United Learning Trust
King’s Group Academies University of Chichester Academy Trust
Solent Academies Trust University of Portsmouth Academy Trust

Explore the schools in each trust.

This case study, produced by ISOS, illustrates the context and the work of the partnership.

PEP governance

The PEP Strategic Board oversees and monitors the work of the other boards:

  • School Leadership and Effectiveness Board
  • ITT, Teacher Recruitment and Retention Group
  • Post-16 Forum
  • Digital Drive Team
  • Maths Group
  • Early Language and Literacy Group
  • School Sufficiency Board
  • Early Years and Childcare Reference Group
  • Removing Barriers to Inclusion Group and subgroups:
    • Children’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Group
    • Behaviour and Attendance Group
    • BLM/Anti-Racism Group

Find out more about the PEP structure, priorities and boards.

To access copies of meeting minutes, please contact the PEP manager at [email protected].