
Led by the Solent Maths Hub, there has been a significant investment and focus on maths CPD in Portsmouth including in early years, SEND, primary, secondary and post-16 (level 2 and level 3).

We now have several primary and secondary mastery specialist teachers in the city who are leading teacher research groups with other schools to develop the collaborative approach to teacher development.

Due to additional government Priority Education Investment Area (PEIA) funding, there will be both primary and secondary network meetings running this academic year which will aim to support leaders, encourage collaborative practices to address issues facing schools in the city.

For post-16 the Solent Maths Hub works alongside the Advanced Maths Support Programme to offer support for GCSE re-sit and A-Level pedagogy.

The Solent Maths hub will continue to support our schools in 2024/25. There will be work groups for SEND, early years, primary, secondary and post-16.

More information on these work groups and all of the support available can be found on the Solent Maths Hub website.

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