Portage is an educational home-visiting service for 0–4-year-olds who have significant delays, special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). A Portage Home Visitor works in partnership with parents and carers in their own home. The aim of the service is to empower parents and carers in developing their child’s play and learning, development and promote positive outcomes. One-hour weekly home sessions are made for up to a year, term time only.
Portage Plus is an educational home-visiting service for 0–4-year-olds who have significant needs with interaction and communication, are on the Autism Pathway, or have neurodevelopmental delay. One-hour home sessions are made across 12 visits with regular liaison and support to the child’s early years setting. Strategies used include PECS (Picture Exchange Communication), Intensive Interaction, TEACCH, Makaton, Identiplay, Visual rewards systems etc.
Portage home visitors work in partnership with parents and/or carers to support the child’s learning at home and can also offer some sessions within the early years setting the child attends. Parents are empowered to make a difference to their child and given support in other matters that may impact on their parenting and enjoyment of their child.
Portage visitors and parents together plan developmental goals in areas such as learning, communication, relationships and movement. Parents learn how to combine learning new skills through play and integrating therapies i.e., physiotherapy, occupational therapy or speech therapy where appropriate.
Portage is a citywide service with an open referral process so anyone may refer.
Coaching model
A coaching model is used with parents and carers including foster carers, childminders and extended family. Teaching activities or strategies are used and integrated into the families’ daily routines or the routines of the child’s natural environment. In addition, it is vital to be including and combining the other therapies the child is receiving. The interventions may include strategies to support the child in participating in family activities or the activities of the childcare setting/other environment. Weekly teaching activities modelled on visits are left for parents to practice until the portage visitor returns.
Every child is assessed in all areas of development using a range of assessment tools, including those relating to the EYFS; gross and fine motor, speech, language and communication, cognition and learning (knowledge and understanding of the world), self-care and independence (personal, social and emotional development), literacy, mathematics and creative skills. Hearing or vision issues are included as well as sensory processing difficulties.
Portage Plus is a more structured intervention that takes place in the home and in the child’s early years setting. The focus is on social and communication difficulties e.g., children who may go on get a diagnosis of ASD.
Portage training
The Portage team deliver training on aspects of working and supporting children with SEND or with ASD/ND profile and offer the accredited National Portage Association workshop.
Visit the Portsmouth Traded Services website for further information.