Portsmouth and beyond

Celebrating 25 years of being a sister city to Maizuru, Japan

Did you know that Portsmouth is linked to 13 cities through twin, sister city and friendship city links including:

Caen, Duisburg, Falkland Islands, Haifa, Halifax Nova Scotia, Maizuru, Portsmouth NH, Portsmouth RI, Portsmouth VI, Sylhet, Sydney, Zhanjiang, Zhuhai?

This year we are celebrating Portsmouth’s 25th anniversary of being a Sister City to Maizuru in Japan.

What can schools do to mark the event?
Schools can do as little or as much as they can or would like to and there are quick win ideas or longer pieces of work to explore.

The outcomes of this work are:

  • For children in the city to know that we are sister cities with Maizuru
  • For pupils to learn about Maizuru and Japan
  • To share and to celebrate their own city with the children of Maizuru

Shorter activities include:

  • Playing traditional Japanese games
  • Japanese character writing
  • Listening to Japanese stories
  • Writing a Japanese Haiku
  • Learning a song about Portsmouth to film and to share with children of Maizuru

Longer pieces of work include:

  • Further developing Portsmouth songs (to send to Japan)
  • Designing a Japanese garden
  • Creating artwork to be sent to Maizuru
  • Creating tourism videos of Portsmouth for children in Maizuru

Here are some Maizuru lesson plans, all linked to the national curriculum, for you to use.

By participating, your pupils can benefit from:

  • Tangible and purposeful links with children from another city/country/continent
  • Book exchange
  • Professional film making opportunity
  • Lord Mayor visit to school following his trip in May

For more information, please contact Marie Allen ([email protected]) or Carol Clark ([email protected]).